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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Landscaping - in Winter?

Here we are just after our 4th snowfall in the last week.  Gotta say that winter is not my favorite season.

It used to be when we were younger and had kids who like to sled and make snowmen and we used to ski a lot.  But as the kids are all grown and we're older, I priorities change and I seem to prefer staying in my studio where it's warm with a cup of coffee or cocoa from my new coffee bar.

But I digress - I meant to update you on the last stages of the artsy yard remodel I last wrote about.  I finished phase one, the patio, that I told you about already in my last post.

Phase Two was adding stenciled stepping stones from the patio to the new side walkway that leads to my studio and wood chips replacing the grass.  So much work, but it looks awesome.  And fun that my daughter, Shelley, did all the stencil work for me.  Have you ever tried doing stenciled pavers?

This is before the stenciling and before the wood chips added:

The pavers (12x12) lead to my morning coffee bench on the left and to the gate on the right.

The view from our dining room window.

Shelley at work with the stencils
Stencils all done

This is after the stenciling was done and the wood chips added:

And finally, here is the new walkway leading from the front yard 
to the gate leading into the backyard:

Phase 1 and 2 all done.  It worked perfectly for visitors who came to my studio for the Pikes Peak Studio Tour in September.


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