NOW SHOWING - 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

I must say that it is harder than I thought it would be to get up and get in the studio first thing in the morning. Everything around the house is vying for my attention, and it is so easy to get distracted and do other stuff instead.  And this is only day two!

But after a couple of cups of coffee and a shower, I made myself come down to my studio.  Everything else will just have to wait.

I think one of the hardest things to do is deciding what to paint. There are just so many subjects to pick from.  Should I do animals, flowers, people, landscapes?  The list is endless.

Another problem is what medium should I choose?   Should it be regular watercolor, batik watercolor, oils, drawing, colored pencil?  You get the idea. But again today I decided to do traditional watercolor on paper.

I haven't done traditional watercolor in quite a while since I've been doing only batik watercolor for the last year.  So I decided I need to practice. And I'm finding out - I really need to practice!  So I guess this 30 Paintings in 30 Days is a good idea after all.

When I finally have an idea of what I want to paint, I just can't find that reference photo that I'm thinking of.  I moved my studio a few months back and have been organizing it, and now I can't find anything.  But eventually, I find it and get started.

That's when the fun begins, and sometimes the frustration.  Then I just get lost in the painting and lose track of all time.  Before I know it, it's lunch time. And that's as long as I have for today.

So here is today's painting. This watercolor is 9" by 12".  Its from a photo I took when we were sitting at a restaurant along a creek in Breckenridge, Colorado. It was a beautiful spring day and the lilacs were in bloom and the butterflies were everywhere. I hope you enjoy it.

See you tomorrow.

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